Meridian Criminal Defense Attorney
Finding yourself on the wrong end of a criminal conviction can be a scary experience, and it is imperative that you have the support you need to help you navigate the legal system in the most effective manner. Part of this includes ensuring that you have access to high quality
legal guidance, as well as experienced attorneys who can help to advise you on the best
course of action.
What Are My Rights If I Am Questioned?
Stay Calm
- This is one of the toughest, but most important things to remember. If you are stopped for questioning, do not attempt to run away, resist arrest, argue with the officers, or obstruct the police in any way - this is important for your own safety. Make sure that you keep your hands where the police can see them at all times. You have the right to ask whether you are free to leave, and to walk away calmly and safely if the officer says yes - remember, you have a right to know the reasons why if you are placed under arrest.
Assert Your Rights
- If you are questioned, you have every right to remain silent, and cannot face punishment or recrimination for refusing to answer any questions. Simply politely inform the officer that you are exercising your right to remain silent. You are under no obligation to consent to a search of either yourself, or your belongings, although the police are permitted to conduct a “pat down” search if they suspect that you have a weapon - do not resist this. It is a good idea here to refuse content for any further search - any consent you give may come back to you in court.
In Your Vehicle
- In the event that you are stopped for questioning while in your vehicle, you should find a safe place to stop and turn off the vehicle as quickly as you can. Switch on the internal light, open the window partially, and place your hands on the wheel where they can be seen.
What Happens if I Am Charged?
- Contact An Attorney
- Understand Your Rights
- Be Honest With Your Attorney
- Avoid The Phones!
- Remain Silent
This can be a good option for those who may find their future prospects, career and opportunities severely hampered by a criminal conviction, while still ensuring that they are held responsible for their crimes. While the actual conviction is not expunged from the record, many requirements and consequences of a conviction – for example, having to pay for expensive, high risk insurance following a DUI conviction – may no longer be an issue.
How Can We Help?
If you have found yourself convicted of a criminal offense, our team of experienced and qualified professionals can help. Get in touch, and see how we could help you take those vital next steps forward, and help to secure your freedom, and ensure that your case is handled correctly.
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